Friday 25 November 2011

Baby Magic

Liam's cord fell off so he got to take a bath with big boy Nolan:) They both got a kick out of it and smelled good too!

Being Thankful

We made Thankful Turkeys to teach the kids about thanksgiving this year.  They wrote on each feather what they were thankful for....mickey mouse, Mama, Daddy, meat sandwhiches, toys, the kitty and snow were the most popular things:)


It finally snowed in our part of Montana! Yay! The kids were really weirded out by it......the footprints they could make, how cold it was, how they could taste it and throw it, how they couldn't see the rocks anymore... they had a blast!

Friday 18 November 2011

Two Weeks Old

Liam is two weeks old! He's so healthy and becoming more aware. 

A visit from Grandma and Grandpa

My Mom and Dad came to visit on the Wednesday after Liam was born.  We had lots of fun, went out and about and just enjoyed each other's company:) We miss being so close and seeing them everyday, so their visit was a special treat:)

Thursday 17 November 2011

Liam Robert Bush

Liam was born on November 3rd. He weighed 9lbs and was 20 and a half inches long.  He's our Montana boy!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Leaves and Dandelions

Stella, Caleb, and Nolan are AMAZED at all of the falling leaves and dandelions to blow!